
The Vienna Doctoral School in Cognition, Behavior and Neuroscience (VDS CoBeNe) was granted in 2016 as one of the first Doctoral Schools at the University of Vienna, and was based in the Faculty of Life Sciences. After integrating the Faculty of Psychology, as well as researchers in the humanities, in 2020, the VDS is now a major interdisciplinary Doctoral School at the University of Vienna. CoBeNe combines the strength of four main research areas: Psychological Science, Behavioral & Cognitive Biology, Neuroscience, and the Cognitive Humanities.

The aim of the VDS CoBeNe is to foster structured doctoral education at the University of Vienna and to create an environment supporting interdisciplinary research and research training. The school integrates excellent existing research centers in Cognition, Behavior, and Neuroscience in Vienna. These centers were previously mostly independent, and range from molecular/cellular/developmental biology to psychological sciences and the humanities.

The mission of the Vienna Doctoral School in Cognition, Behavior and Neuroscience is to enhance academic and professional development of graduate students, advance intellectual communication and scholarship across disciplines, and promote cultural diversity, scientific integrity, and international collaboration.

 PhD Academy - Final Program 2025

 Are you considering pursuing a PhD?

 News & Events


Together with Vienna Doctoal School of Social Sciences, we offer 4 coaching sessions on writing your doctoral thesis.


Early career researchers of the Faculty of Psychology are invited to the onbording event of the ECRs.



The second annual symposium of the Doctoral School of Ecology & Evolution will take place on the 21st of February, at the UBB Hörsaal 1.


The VBC is offering five workshop sessions on the topic 'Career development', for doctoral candidates from the UBB.


The Vienna Doctoral School in Chemistry, the Vienna School of Mathematics, the Vienna International School of Earth and Space Sciences, and the Vienna...


Would you like to join the new seminar series on open science and research data management, where experts deliver very brief presentations followed by...

 PhD Stories


The doors were wied open from four different locations, from the main University building, to Biology and Chemistry building as well as University...


Congratulations to Rojan Amini-Nejad for winning the ÖAW Dissertation Prize for Migration Research!



Congratulations to Julia Reiter for winning the Impact Award 2023!




Public Defense in the Doctoral Research Field: Psychology

“The Family Minority Stress Model: Theoretical conceptualization and empirical evidence”


Public Defense in the Doctoral Research Field: Psychology

“Communicating Pro-Environmental Consensus Across Countries”


Public Defense in the Doctoral Research Field: Psychology

“The Experience of Significant Life Events Across the Adult Lifespan”


Public Defense in the Doctoral Research Field: Psychology

“Digital stress management in daily life: Preventive and complementary intervention...


Public Defense in the Doctoral Research Field: Psychology

“How Environments Shape Food Choices and Beliefs: A Cognitive-Ecological Account for the...


Public Defense in the Doctoral Research Field: Psychology

“The (Will)Power to Change the World: The Influence of Lay Beliefs in the Context of Global...



Thomas Bugnyar, 2022, Brandstätter Verlag. Sie sind bekannt für ihre verblüffende Intelligenz, für das clevere Benutzen von Werkzeugen und für ihr...


Jakob Pietschnig, 2021, Ecowin. Was Intelligenz ist, wie man sie messen kann und warum das so spannend ist, erklärt der österreichische...


Angela Stöger, Brandtstätter Verlag, 2021. Wie Tiere kommunizieren und was wir lernen, wenn wir ihnen wirklich zuhören