The Vienna Doctoral School in Cognition, Behavior and Neuroscience (VDS CoBeNe) was granted in 2016 as one of the first Doctoral Schools at the University of Vienna, and was based in the Faculty of Life Sciences. After integrating the Faculty of Psychology, as well as researchers in the humanities, in 2020, the VDS is now a major interdisciplinary Doctoral School at the University of Vienna. CoBeNe combines the strength of four main research areas: Psychological Science, Behavioral & Cognitive Biology, Neuroscience, and the Cognitive Humanities.
The aim of the VDS CoBeNe is to foster structured doctoral education at the University of Vienna and to create an environment supporting interdisciplinary research and research training. The school integrates excellent existing research centers in Cognition, Behavior, and Neuroscience in Vienna. These centers were previously mostly independent, and range from molecular/cellular/developmental biology to psychological sciences and the humanities.
The mission of the Vienna Doctoral School in Cognition, Behavior and Neuroscience is to enhance academic and professional development of graduate students, advance intellectual communication and scholarship across disciplines, and promote cultural diversity, scientific integrity, and international collaboration.
PhD Academy - Final Program 2025
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News & Events
This Seed Grants Program provides funds for applicants to develop, write, and submit an interdisciplinary research proposal in the broad field of...
If you want to apply for a PhD position at University of Vienna and want to be well informed about your admission and other essential tasks, please...
The Doctoral School of Computer Science is inviting master or bachelor students to apply for the position of Student Assistant.
This year our doctoral school together with VDSEE and VDS-MES will join to celebrate the Christmas spirit together at the joint Christmas party!
We are enthusiastic about the beginning of the winter semester and would like to invite you to our CoBeNe get together! It is a relaxing and friendly...
Early career researchers of the Faculty of Psychology who started their careers in the last year are invited to the onbording event of the ECRs (early...
Public Defense in the Doctoral Research Field: Biology
"Learning about novel predators in common ravens (Corvus corax)"
Public Defense in the Doctoral Research Field: Psychology
''Intelligence and its associations with physical and mental health''
Public Defense in the Doctoral Research Field: Psychology
“Psychological Interventions for Performance Under Pressure in the Performing Arts:...
Public Defense in the Doctoral Research Field: Biology
Public Defense in the Doctoral Research field: Psychology
“Art and Engagement: The Role of the Body in Art Experience”
Public Defense in the Doctoral Research Field: Psychology
''Emotions in Political Learning''