Become a PhD candidate in the VDS CoBeNe!
© Universität Wien / Der Knopfdrücker
For ambitious young researchers holding a Master's degree or equivalent, there are several ways to enter our PhD program. For a paid praedoc position at the VDS CoBeNe, there are in general three options. First, you can apply for a CoBeNe uni:docs PhD position in the bi-annually, topically open advertised CoBeNe pooled call. Second, there is the possiblity to apply to job offers of pre-doc positions directly by the individual group leaders. Third, you can apply at different agencies for self-funding.
VDS CoBeNe Pooled Call
The Vienna Doctoral School of Cognition, Behavior and Neuroscience (VDS CoBeNe) plans an bi-annual pooled autuum call offering fully-funded PhD positions in all research areas of the doctoral school.
The next international call for PhD positions is expected in September 2025.
How to apply:tba soon
Timeline overview table
- Application period: 01.09 - 15.10.2025
- Pre-selection meetings: approx. November
- Interview days: approx. late Nov, beginning Dez
- Final selection meetings: Dez
- Offers sent out: end of Dez
- Offer need to be accepted:within two weeks of notification
- Start date 2026 cohort: Summer 2026
Call by individual supervisor
- Open positions can be filled throughout the year, independent of the pooled calls.
- When available, vacancies will be posted at the University of Vienna's JobCenter platform.
- If you have been recruited independently of the pooled Call, please contact if you need, e.g. information about moving to Austria (visa requirements), but especially if you want to become part of the VDS CoBeNe community and get involved.
Typically the topic of the offered predoc positions is given due to the expertise of the supervisor and/or the topic of a specific grant or project. Usually the duration or this position is 3 or 4 years.
Self-funded project
It is also possible to apply for your own funding.
The Research Service and Career Development provides information on funding opportunities.
If you have any questions concerning funding, please get also in contact with