VDS CoBeNe Individual Calls
The Vienna Doctoral School for Cognition, Behavior and Neuroscience (VDS CoBeNe) offers doctoral training across all research fields of the CoBeNe Faculty Members at the University of Vienna.
Closed Doctoral Positions
Behavioral & Cognitive Biology
- University Assistant (prae doc) position at the Vienna CogSciHub affiliated with the Faculty of Life Sciences under the supervision of Narly Golestani.
- Scientific project staff (prae doc) position Department of Behavioral & Cognitive Biology, Research Group of Thomas Bugnyar. Reference number: "#01 PC21: Behavioral & Cognitive Biology, supervisor: Thomas Bugnyar.
- University assistant (prae doc) position Department of Behavioral & Cognitive Biology, Research Group of W. Tecumseh S. Fitch. Reference number: "#02 PC21: Behavioral & Cognitive Biology, supervisor: W. Tecumseh S. Fitch.
- Scientific project staff (prae doc) position Department of Behavioral & Cognitive Biology, Research Group of Thomas Bugnyar under the co-supervision of Michelle Spierings. Reference number: "#01 PC20: Behavioral & Cognitive Biology, supervisors: Thomas Bugnyar, Michelle Spierings."
Cognitive Humanties
- 2 Scientific project staff (prae doc) positions in the FWF/ DFG-project 'The Museum Gaze' at the Department of Art History. Reference number: #01 IC22: The Museum Gaze, CReA Lab, supervisiors Raphael Rosenberg and Luise Reitstätter.
- Scientific project staff (prae doc) position in Psycholinguistics at the Institute of Linguistics under the supervision of Jutta Müller. Reference number: "#03 PC21: Psycholinguistics, supervisior: Jutta Müller".
- University Assistant (prae doc) position at the Department of Linguistics of the Faculty of Philological and Cultural Studies under the supervision of Susanne Maria Reiterer.
- University assistant (pre doc) position in the laboratory for Cognitive Research in Art History (https://crea.univie.ac.at/) at the Department of Art History, supervisior: Raphael Rosenberg.
- University assistant (pre doc) position at the Department of Linguistics of the Faculty of Philological and Cultural Studies in the research group of Prof. Jutta Mueller
- Two PhD student positions, FWF project, Phonetics cluster (PI: Dr. Reinisch Eva)
- Scientific project staff (prae doc) position at intersection of chrono-, neuro- and stem cell biology at the Max Perutz Lab / Department of Microbiology, Immunobiology and Genetics under the supervision of Kristin Tessmar-Raible in collaboration with the lab of Simon Hippenmeyer at the IST Austria.
Reference number: "#04 PC21: Chrono-, neuro- and stem cell biology, supervisor: Kristin Tessmar-Raible.
Psychological Sciences
- Praedoc position, Department of Cognition, Emotion, and Methods in Psychology. (Prof. Dr. Ulrich Ansorge), job id: 1388 (application deadline: 22.10.2023)
- Praedoc position, Department of Cognition, Emotion and Methods of Psychology at the Faculty of Psychology in the EVAlab research team (Empirical Visual Aesthetic labs; eva.univie.ac.at) job id: 1402 (application deadline: 25.10.2023)
- Praedoc position, Department of Health Psychology (Prof. Dr. Laura M. König), job ID: 966 (application deadline: 08.09.2023)
- Praedoc position at the Clinical and Neuroscience unit, Department of Clinical and Health Psychology (Assoc. Prof Giorgia Silani), job ID: 1132 (application deadline: 11.09.2023)
- Scientific project staff (prae doc) position in the FWF project, Neurocognition laboratory, Research group of Julia Sophia Crone
- University assistant (prae doc) position at the Department of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Research unit: Development pychology, supervisior Stefanie Höhl.
- 2 University assistant (prae doc) positions at the Department of Occupational, Economic and Social Psychology. Research unit: Social and economic group, supervisior Robert Böhm.
- 2 University assistant (prae doc) positions at the Department of Clinical and Health Psychology. Research unit: Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology, supervisior Martina Zemp.
- Scientific project staff (prae doc) position in the FWF project, ConnectingMinds in the ARTIS Lab (Art Research on Transformation of Individuals and Society), Cognitive and Neuroaesthetics research group of Matthew Pelowski
- University assistant (prae doc) position at the Research group of Clinical Psychology and Adulthood at the Department of Clinical and Health Psychology, supervisor: Urs Nater
- Praedoc position,Department of Cognition, Emotion and Methods of Psychology at the Faculty of Psychology in the EVAlab research team (Empirical Visual Aesthetic labs; https://eva.univie.ac.at)
- Praedoc position, in the Health Psychology Group at the Department of Clinical and Health Psychology. (Prof. Dr. Laura M. König)
- University assistant predoctoral, Clinical Social Neuroscience Unit (Assoc. Prof. Giorgia Silani), Department of Clinical and Health Psychology