Code, Connect, Sleep, Repeat - CoBeNe Summer School in Budapest

The aim of the Summer School was to provide CoBeNe PhD candidates with an opportunity for professional development and social exchange in the field of empirical research and statistical methods in a highly motivated environment. The Summer School comprised an intensive 4-day workshop, from 12.07.-15.07.2022. It included a total of 24 hours of theoretical input and practical training in advanced regression analyses using the programming language R. 

A group of PhD candidates from the faculty of Psychology at the University of Vienna (Georgia Clay, Julia Jankowski, Lisa Stempfer and Kata Sik) have taken initiative and organized a Summer School for their fellow PhD cadidates in cooperation with ELTE University, located in Budapest, Hungary.

With the help of Dr. Tamas Nagy (Assistant Professor at Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest), participants learned how to understand and implement different types of regression analysis, including linear and non-linear, zero-inflated, and survival models. Even though at first sight, R code might have been scary looking for some, Tamas managed to communicate the topics in an approachable and humorous way. Nineteen students from Hungary and twenty-three students from Austria came together, not only to learn, but also to connect with each other – for some PhD students this was the first chance to do so, having started their PhD journey during the Covid-19 pandemic. This made the Summer School a success not only from a learning perspective, but also from an interpersonal point of view.

Some selected quotes from participants:
“Was a very nice experience and definitely a highlight in my PhD so far”

“Thank you so much for advancing my knowledge in R, I needed this!”

“Business before Pleasure” - A well-deserved Picnic in good company, providing the opportunity to connect with colleagues from different departments, countries, research interests and backgrounds.

 CoBeNe PhD Organization Team

  • Georgia Clay
  • Julia Jankowski
  • Lisa Stempfer
  • Kata Sik