Into Science Retreat 2023

 When: 18.09.-20.09.2023

 Where: Illmitz, Lake Neusiedl

The first Into Science Seminar Retreat took place at the Seminarhotel Nationalpark in Illmitz on Lake Neusiedl and covered a 2.5-day program with various topics. On this adventure, PIs and PhD candidates from all CoBeNe disciplines participated and were able to engage in lively interdisciplinary exchange. The PhD candidates were able to learn about the concepts of science, in particular its challanges, opportunities and motivations in doing science. Moreover, each candidate had a chance to learn how to present their research in 3 minutes.

Besides the multifaceted interdisciplinary exchange, the participants practiced presenting themselves as young scientists and highlighting their own scientific work. In addition to a precise and clear illustration of one's own research it is important to strengthen individual skills as needed and to develop strategies to deal with challenging situations to become a successful, independent researcher. We took time to reflect on some of the numerous and useful skills and possibilities or to try out a relaxation exercise ourselves. The experiences and the exchange at the retreat are meant to provide the early career researchers with some basics and to open up possibilities for personal development. We would like to thank all participants for their interesting presentations, fruitful discussions and a very cooperative and collegial atmosphere. We are very much looking forward to the next Into Science Retreat!

 Who: PhD candidates & two lecturers from each CoBeNe discipline

We thank all participants for their interesting presentations, fruitful discussions and a very cooperative and collegial atmosphere.

PhD candidates:

  • 14 PhD candidates from Psychology
  • 4 PhD candidates from Behavioral and Cognitive Biology
  • 7 PhD candidates from the Cognitive Humanities
  • 4 from PhD candidates Neuroscience

Lecturers & Coordinator:

  • Julia Crone and Ulrich Ansorge (Psychology)
  • Thomas Bugnyar and Petra Sumasgutner (Behavioral and Cognitive Biology)
  • Dalina Kallulli and Jutta Mueller (Cognitive Humanities)
  • Thomas Hummel and Manuel Zimmer (Neuroscience)
  • Katja Hellekes (CoBeNe Office)