Berni Wagner is winning a prize!


Bernie Wagner is PhD candidate in Biologie and his topic is "Cross-species studies on the role of vocal harmonics in musicality". Beside he received the Austrian Comedian Award 2022 in the category "Best program". The ceremony will be broadcasted on ORF 1 on 22.04.2022 at 23:10. Congrats!

His latest solo performance is called Galápagos. Depression, sexuality, religion, nature and history are his themes. Since his body is not by nature what he would like it to be, Wagner attacks nature head-on while it still exists. Go and see it:

Kabarett Niedermair, Lenaugasse 1a, 1080 Wien: Wednesday, 16. + 30.03.2022, 19:30
Gruam, Wagramer Straße 109, 1220 Wien: Saturday, 02.04.2022, 19:30

© Astrid Knie