Eva Specker: Psychology of Art - What is it and what can we learn from it? 20.3.2023


Seven public lectures from the Vienna CogSciHub environment will take place in the summer semester 2023 as part of the Young Science event series at Vienna Adult Education Centers.

The series "Young Science" in the Science Programme of the Viennese Adult Education Centres offers scientists who are still at the beginning of their careers the chance to present their research results to a broad audience. In return, the Viennese population gains insight into the young Austrian research landscape.

Psychology of Art - What is it and what can we learn from it? presented by Eva Specker:

20.03.2023, 18:00 - 19:30 h.

Place: VHS Wiener Urania

For more information about the tickets, please follow the link: https://www.vhs.at/de/k/287631548

Further links:

Young Science at the Viennese Adult Education Centers: www.vhs.at/de/e/science/jungewissenschaft

Vienna Cognitive Science Hub: cogsci.univie.ac.at

The Vienna Adult Education Centers: www.vhs.at/de