Female Role Model Seminar, 14.06.2023


Prof. Leslea Hlusko, from UC Berkeley and the Spanish National Research Centre for Human Evolution (CENIEH), will give a role model seminar for early career researchers. Apart from being an excellent scientist, she is President-Elect of the American Association of Biological Anthropologists (AABA) and a very kind and supportive senior academic, who values collaborative research with junior researchers.


Prof. Leslea Hlusko is an paleobiologist and biological anthropologist. Her research group is insterested in the genetic basis of mammalian variation and its evolution, with an eye towards better understanding the human condition. This research team interdisciplinary, combining paleontology, neontology, quantitative genetics and developmental genetics in an effort to approach morphological evolution from a genotypic perspective. Her main research focus now is on the pleiotropic effects between the dentition and non-dental traits. 

  • The seminar will take place on the 14th of June, from 10:30-12:00 in seminar room 5.1 at the UBB.
  • To register, please send an email to: rolemodelseminar@gmx.at

For those wo are interested in her scientific work, she is givng a IEOS colloquium on the 13th of June at 13:15 at the UBB (lecture hall HS 1).