Philosophy and Mathematics of Situated Agency, University of Olulu (Finland), 5.6.-8.6.2023


The Philosophy and Mathematics of Situated Agency conference aims to bring together thinkers in the fields of cognitive science, philosophy of mind, mathematics, and robotics. The aim of the conference is to take steps towards understanding what being embedded or situatedness means from an interdisciplinary perspective.

4E-approaches to the mind refer to basic concepts like affordance and attunement, but the conceptual and metaphysical foundations of these notions still rest unclear. Despite its pivotal position and inflationary use in the 4E-explanatory paradigm, it is still left unanalyzed what “environment”, “context” or “situation” clearly mean, compared to the attention devoted to the other “E” notions. For example, how can natural settings be affording, involving and invitational? How is agency shaped by the situation and how does it contribute? How are contexts structured to separate the relevant from the irrelevant? These and other philosophical questions are addressed.

Theoretical computer science and mathematical logic could be seen as foundational for classical cognitivism. What about mathematical foundation for Enactivism and Situated Cognition? This conference aims to bring together attempts to mathematically approach cognition within the 4E- paradigm. One framework has been developed recently which reformulates information spaces in robotics as a model of sensorimotor interactions and studies how more interesting cognitive phenomena can in principle emerge from this. This paradigm connects naturally to other branches of mathematical modelling such as the proposed dynamical systems perspective.

Call for Abstracts:

An extended abstract of approximately 250-500 words (excluding references) should be prepared for blind review and include a cover page with full name, affiliation, contact information and short professional bio. Files should be submitted in doc(x) word. 

Since graduate and postgraduates are encouraged to contribute, please indicate explicitly in which format your submission can be presented (talk and/or poster). 

Please indicate the title of your abstract in the mail’s subject.

The submission should be send to: 

Deadline for submission: March 15, 2023

Notification of acceptance: April 15, 2023