VDS CoBeNe PhD Academy 01.-03.02.2023


It's a pleasure to announce the 2nd Annual Doctoral Student Conference - the VDS CoBeNe PhD Academy for 01.-03. February 2023 at the main building of the University of Vienna.


What is the VDS CoBeNe PhD Academy?

o A conference open to all PhD candidates and supervisors affiliated with the Vienna Doctoral School CoBeNe, as well as Master students
o A chance for doctoral candidates to present their work to an audience of peers at any stage of their PhD
o An occasion for speakers to gain 4 ECTS
o A two-day event bringing together researchers from Psychology, Neuroscience, Behavioral/Cognitive Biology and Cognitive Humanities.

If you want to submit an abstract or just register to attend without presenting: Fill in this form https://is.gd/cobene2023 including a short abstract (max. 250 words) until November 15th, 2022.
For more information see the flyer!