VISESS Big Picture Talk: “The Story of Water: Origins in Space, Travels on Earth and Impacts on People”, 01.03.2022


How can inter- and transdisciplinary scientific collaboration contribute to solutions to the grand challenges that humanity faces? A public event planned and organised by PhD students of the “Vienna International School of Earth and Space Sciences” (VISESS) aims to connect different fields of expertise, ranging from Astrophysics to Earth Sciences and Social Geography, through the story of water, its origins in space, travels on Earth and impacts on people.

The event will take the participants on a journey through the story of water, guided by three leading experts who will share their views on the evolution of water resources. It begins in space, as we plan to uncover where water originates and how it eventually ended up on our planet. It will further take us to icy glaciers that have been shaping the Earth for eons and will finish with an exploration of the interaction between water and society through human innovations. Finally, a panel discussion will combine insights from the speakers, focusing on the future of water on Earth and beyond

Date:        Tuesday, 1 March 2022, 18:30 - 21:30  

Venue:     University of Vienna, UZAII, Lecture Hall 3 (2A211 2.OG UZAII Geo-Zentrum), Althanstraße 14, 1090 Vienna & Online (Zoom)


·       18:30    Welcome

·       18:40    Talks

o   “The Origin of Water in Space” (Ewine van Dishoeck, University of Leiden)

o   “Travels on Earth” (Bethan Davies, Royal Holloway, University of London)

o   “Impacts on People” (Christian Binz (Eawag, Switzerland)

·       20:10    Break

·       20:30    Panel Discussion: “The Future of Water: Where and How to Find Solutions?” (Moderation: Sabine Kraushaar, University of Vienna)

Participation is free and open for all levels of experience. Please register here.

The event will be held in English.

This is a hybrid event combining both an in-person meeting and online streaming. The online link (Zoom) will be provided to registered participants prior to the event.

The event follows the current Covid-19 regulations for events at the Unversity of Vienna. Participants will be informed about the current regulations in the week of the event.


The “Big Picture” Talk series is organised by VISESS, the “Vienna International School of Earth and Space Sciences”, which is offering an internationally oriented training to current and future doctoral students at the Faculty of Earth Sciences, Geography and Astronomy of the University of Vienna. As humanity is facing grand challenges such as climate change or resource depletion, this new doctoral school is addressing these challenges through inter- and transdisciplinary academic research connecting the cosmos with planet Earth, its environment and the anthroposphere. With the Big Picture Talks organised by VISESS-students, the doctoral school aims to present current topics of scientific and societal interest to the public.

Scientific Organising Committee of the VISESS Doctoral School:

Tadeja Veršič, Bianca Ciocan, Horst Foidl, Leonard Lemke and Stefano Peres

Photo: Evgeni Tcherkasski | Pixabay