
The new University's platform u:rise has been launched. Please search the websites to find relevant courses, workshops and coaching programs, as well as courses recommended below.

Successfully Dealing with Stress in Your Work Life

  • This course is offered by our PhD candidate in Psychology, Hannah Tschenett
  • You will have the possibility to discuss the topic of stress, recognize your stress-patterns and strengthen adaptive ways of thinking
  • Dates: 16.05. & 23.05., 09:30 - 13:30 
  • Please register on u:rise

Career development workshop series (VBC)

  • The career development workshop series, offered by VBC is available for PhD candidates from UBB
  • You will have the possibility to discuss this topic with the academic career consultant, Sarah Blackford.
  • Dates: 11.02., 18.02., 04.03., 11.03., 18.03.
  • Please register for this workshop on u:rise

VDS CoBeNe courses with other doctoral schools


  • Together with VDSEE we offer two-day academic writing workshop
  • Workshop focus: process of writing/drafting, starting with a first draft of a publication, steps of the revision process (involving several types of editing) 
  • Please contact vds.cobene@univie.ac.at if you would like to register.
  • Please see the flyer from the previous program.
  • Next dates will be available soon.

 VDS CoBeNe & VDSoSci

  • Together with VDSoSci, Brownbag sessions are offered, focusing on various topics.
  • Next topic focuses on: Researcher – student – lecturer? How to handle and benefit from teaching duties during the PhD
  • Date: 02.04.2025, 13:30-15:00h
  • To register, please find the course on u:rise
  • For more information about Borwnbag sessions, please visit the website of VDSoSci.

Group Coaching: Well-Being for Early Career Researchers

© bugphai

Feeling tired, isolated and stressed? Problems with your supervisor? Working 24/7 but not getting many things done? Feeling stuck? Feeling guilty for taking a day off?

These are all common experiences in early research careers. While life of a PhD candidate is not easy it can be easier with group coaching on hand. Academic work is a creative process which takes a great deal of self‐motivation and often it is quite a solitary activity which requires a lot of discipline and persistence. This can make you feel insecure and lose motivation. Group-coaching is an opportunity to reach the goal of a successful career with a focus on your personal well-being.

Target Group: VDS CoBeNe PhD students in any phase of their project who would like to monitor their own progress within a group of PhD students supervised by a trained psychotherapist and coach, Dr. Markus Boeckle. www.praxis-boeckle.at
Location: Magdalenenstraße 21/7, 1060 Vienna
Reservation: pls. register direct via calendly.com/markus-boeckle/group_coaching_dk_cobene_phanuspo_vdsee

New Time Schedule:
14.01.2025, 16:00-17:40
04.02.2025, 16:00-17:40
04.03.2025, 16:00-17:40
01.04.2025, 16:00-17:40
06.05.2025, 16:00-17:40
03.06.2025, 16:00-17:40

Self-Management and Well-Being for Early Career Researchers

Previous online talk: 19.02.2024, 14:00 -15:00

Please see the flyer to learn more information about the talk content, from Dr. Markus Boeckle.

M. Boeckle

 Seminars and workshop at the Center for Doctoral Studies

 University of Vienna Cooperations