The new University's platform u:rise has been launched. Please search the websites to find relevant courses, workshops and coaching programs, as well as courses recommended below.
Successfully Dealing with Stress in Your Work Life
- This course is offered by our PhD candidate in Psychology, Hannah Tschenett
- You will have the possibility to discuss the topic of stress, recognize your stress-patterns and strengthen adaptive ways of thinking
- Dates: 16.05. & 23.05., 09:30 - 13:30
- Please register on u:rise
Career development workshop series (VBC)
- The career development workshop series, offered by VBC is available for PhD candidates from UBB
- You will have the possibility to discuss this topic with the academic career consultant, Sarah Blackford.
- Dates: 11.02., 18.02., 04.03., 11.03., 18.03.
- Please register for this workshop on u:rise
VDS CoBeNe courses with other doctoral schools
- Together with VDSEE we offer two-day academic writing workshop
- Workshop focus: process of writing/drafting, starting with a first draft of a publication, steps of the revision process (involving several types of editing)
- Please contact vds.cobene@univie.ac.at if you would like to register.
- Please see the flyer from the previous program.
- Next dates will be available soon.
VDS CoBeNe & VDSoSci
- Together with VDSoSci, Brownbag sessions are offered, focusing on various topics.
- Next topic focuses on: Researcher – student – lecturer? How to handle and benefit from teaching duties during the PhD
- Date: 02.04.2025, 13:30-15:00h
- To register, please find the course on u:rise.
- For more information about Borwnbag sessions, please visit the website of VDSoSci.
Group Coaching: Well-Being for Early Career Researchers
© bugphai
Group Coaching: Well-Being for Early Career Researchers
Feeling tired, isolated and stressed? Problems with your supervisor? Working 24/7 but not getting many things done? Feeling stuck? Feeling guilty for taking a day off?
These are all common experiences in early research careers. While life of a PhD candidate is not easy it can be easier with group coaching on hand. Academic work is a creative process which takes a great deal of self‐motivation and often it is quite a solitary activity which requires a lot of discipline and persistence. This can make you feel insecure and lose motivation. Group-coaching is an opportunity to reach the goal of a successful career with a focus on your personal well-being.
Target Group: VDS CoBeNe PhD students in any phase of their project who would like to monitor their own progress within a group of PhD students supervised by a trained psychotherapist and coach, Dr. Markus Boeckle. www.praxis-boeckle.at
Location: Magdalenenstraße 21/7, 1060 Vienna
Reservation: pls. register direct via calendly.com/markus-boeckle/group_coaching_dk_cobene_phanuspo_vdsee
New Time Schedule:
14.01.2025, 16:00-17:40
04.02.2025, 16:00-17:40
04.03.2025, 16:00-17:40
01.04.2025, 16:00-17:40
06.05.2025, 16:00-17:40
03.06.2025, 16:00-17:40