Points of call (diversity and anti-discrimination)
There is a range point of calls available to the employees and students of University of Vienna, dealing with diversity and anti-discrimination. The points of call are divided into sections such as social origin, mental & physical abilities, gender, origin/ethnicity and so on. If you feel the need to, you are encouraged to contact them.
Two-day Academic writing workshop
Two-day Academic writing workshop
Together with VDSEE we will offer a two times a two-day academic writing workshop.
Date & time:
first workshop:17.&18.10.2024, 9:00-17:00
second workshop: 28.&29.01.2025, 9:00-17:00
Location: UBB, SR3.1, Djerassiplatz 1, 1030 Vienna
Please send an email to vds.cobene@univie.ac.at if you are interested.
Group Coaching: Well-Being for Early Career Researchers
Group Coaching: Well-Being for Early Career Researchers
Feeling tired, isolated and stressed? Problems with your supervisor? Working 24/7 but not getting many things done? Feeling stuck? Feeling guilty for taking a day off?
These are all common experiences in early research careers. While life of a PhD candidate is not easy it can be easier with group coaching on hand. Academic work is a creative process which takes a great deal of self‐motivation and often it is quite a solitary activity which requires a lot of discipline and persistence. This can make you feel insecure and lose motivation. Group-coaching is an opportunity to reach the goal of a successful career with a focus on your personal well-being.
Target Group: VDS CoBeNe PhD students in any phase of their project who would like to monitor their own progress within a group of PhD students supervised by a trained psychotherapist and coach, Dr. Markus Boeckle. www.praxis-boeckle.at
Location: Magdalenenstraße 21/7, 1060 Vienna
Reservation: pls. register direct via calendly.com/markus-boeckle/group_coaching_dk_cobene_phanuspo_vdsee
New Time Schedule:
14.01.2025, 16:00-17:40
04.02.2025, 16:00-17:40
04.03.2025, 16:00-17:40
01.04.2025, 16:00-17:40
06.05.2025, 16:00-17:40
03.06.2025, 16:00-17:40
Self-Management and Well-Being for Early Career Researchers
Self-Management and Well-Being for Early Career Researchers
Online -talk: 19.02.2024, 14:00 -15:00
We look forward to the talk from Dr. Markus Boeckle, "Self-Management and Well-Being for Early Career Researchers" on the 19th of February 2024, 14:00-15:00, online via Zoom, where no registration is needed.
Other Courses
Circle U: Online training on transversal issues for Early-Career Researches
These online trainings are free of charge, but you will have to register for each session.For more information about the content of trainings and registration deadlines, please follow the link: www.circle-u.eu/news/2023/online-training-on-transversal-issues-for-ecr.html
Around Vienna
Most courses described here are open to external participants, currently free of charge. ECTS from external courses will get accepted by the DSPL upon request only. Please note that students from the advertising institution will be given priority in case the number of places on a course is limited.
University of Vienna:
University of Veterinary Medicine: