VDS CoBeNe Completion Grants
With the dissertation completion fellowships the VDS CoBeNe supports junior researchers of all CoBeNe disciplines in the last phase of their PhD project with either the CoBeNe completion stipends or short-term finishing contracts. It is the aim of the fellowships that the PhD-projects should be finalized and submitted within the funding period.
- Completion stipends: PhD candidates who were not employed at the University of Vienna within the last six months before the start of the grant can apply for stipends of 1.050 €/month for a duration of up to 6 months.
- Short-term finishing contracts: PhD candidates who were employed at the University of Vienna (e.g. predoc or teaching contracts) at some time during the last 6 months before the start of the short-term finishing contract (not necessarily up to the start of the completion contract) can apply for short-term finishing contracts. The successive contract regulations must be followed/kept in mind.
For both applications please see submission procedure below.
Calls for applications
- Call opens: 01.03.25 and 01.09.25
- Application deadline:: 22.03.25 and 11.09.2025
- Duration: Short-term finishing contracts (20h) maximum up to 4 month, Completion stipend up to 6 months (in case of no univie employment in the last six month before the stipend)
- The scholarship will terminate as soon as your dissertation is submitted
- Work on the dissertation must already be sufficiently advanced at the time of application that it can realistically be expected that the submission of the completed dissertation can take place at the latest at the end of the funding period
- Very good academic records (seminars, publications, conference presentations)
- A statement from your supervisor with his/her commitment to support your finalization phase
- Compliance with the VDS CoBeNe regulations for PhD candidates:
- agreement to the Code of Good Practice
- FÖP within the first year after enrollment
- doctoral thesis agreement (4 weeks after FÖP)
- annual report (yearly after dissertation agreement)
- TAC meetings (annual)
- Active participation in VDS CoBeNe activities are highly valued in the selection process.
Application documents
- A report on the current status of the doctoral thesis including an abstract (1000–2000 characters without spaces), a tabular overview of the chapters including information about the completion status of each chapter, and a work schedule for the completion of the doctoral thesis (no more than four pages including a list of references, font size of 11pt, 1.5 line spacing). Please use this template.
- CV in tabular form (no more than three pages including a list of publications and conference presentations, if available).
- Doctoral thesis agreement and annual progress reports.
- Transcript of records (“Sammelzeugnis”).
- Positive statement/s from your supervisor/s.
Submission of the application
The online submission link for both the short-term completion contracts and completion stipends to the University job platform, will be published here and will be active throughout the call period. Please use the report template and upload the application with all necessary documents as pdf files.
The completion stipends and short-term finishing contracts will be awarded competitively on the basis of the submitted documents. Candidates are selected by a jury consisting of experts from our doctoral school. The jury will discuss and compare the applications and decide which projects will be funded within the financial limits of the completion grant funding program.
If your application is rejected, you may reapply for the CoBeNe completion grant again at a later date. If you resubmit an application, it must include a statement on the progress of the doctoral thesis since the last application and an explanation of why the scholarship is still needed.
Important information
Applicants do not have recourse to legal action. Multiple sponsorships by other institutions and/or the University of Vienna are excluded. The recipients of the completion stipend are responsible for the possible taxation of the scholarship as well as the insurance during the period of the scholarship and are informed that in case of an annual net income of more than EUR 8.580,- this has to be taxed. If the stated general conditions are met, the final scholarship is considered "income from self-employed work".
Download completion grant template
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