CoBeNe completion stipends

PhD candidates who were not employed at the University of Vienna within the last six months before the start of the grant can apply for stipends of up to six months. The following regulations apply specifically to stipends:

  • The amount of the stipend is 1.050 €/month. The funding duration is up to six months.
  • The candidate must not be or have been employed as an University Assistant (prae doc) or Project Staff Member (prae doc) at the University of Vienna in the last six months before the start of the grant.
  • The stipend does not entail employment with the University of Vienna nor a working space.
  • Multiple funding by other institutions and/or the University of Vienna is not allowed. The stipend holder is responsible for paying insurance and possibly taxes which may arise in connection with the stipend. In case of an annual net income of more than EUR 8.580 this must be taxed. The final scholarship will be considered as "income from self-employment" if the above conditions are met.

Short-term finishing contracts

PhD candidates who were employed at the University of Vienna within the last six months before the start of the grant can apply for short-term finishing contracts. The following regulations apply specifically to short-term finishing contracts:

  • The short-term finishing contract includes an employment contract as University Assistant (prae doc) (§48 VwGr. B1), 20h for 4 months. Job grading in accordance with collective bargaining agreement: §48 VwGr. B1 Grundstufe (praedoc) with relevant work experience determining the assignment to a particular salary grade.
  • The candidate must have been employed as an University Assistant (prae doc) or Project Staff Member (prae doc) at the University of Vienna during the PhD.
  • The contract holder (remaining) in an employment relationship with the University of Vienna is subject to all associated rights and obligations.
  • The successive contract regulations must be followed/kept in mind. Make sure to check your individual case with a view to your career planning and in case of questions contact HR to clarify your situation.