VDS CoBeNe Education

© Universität Wien/Barbara Mair

 VDS CoBeNe Education

The VDS CoBeNe educational program is designed to:

  • reflect the range of its fields
  • allow in-depth training in the specific research field, and
  • to experience training in transferable skills and scientific exchange

Furthermore, it is designed to allow a high degree of flexibility in terms of what to get the credits for (e.g., specific training in concepts/methods, transferable skills, or presenting at national and international conferences, but in any case adhering to the individual curricula and required ECTS.



Courses for all VDS CoBeNe PhD candidates

Lecture Series: Introduction to CoBeNe (1 ECTS)

The goal of this course is to provide PhD candidates an overview of the research disciplines, concepts, and methods offered within the VDS Cognition, Behavior and Neuroscience. Faculty members from the four core disciplines Psychological Science, Behavioral & Cognitive Biology, Neurosciences, and Cognitive Humanities will introduce their fields, summarize the main topics and approaches, and explain state-of-the art research with informative examples, highlighting conceptual and/or methodological cross-connections between disciplines. 

The learning outcome shall be i) knowledge about the CoBeNe disciplines at University Vienna and ii) awareness of the current research foci pursued and methods used. Interdisciplinary thinking will be fostered by raising awareness for similarities and differences in the conceptual and methodological approaches within and between disciplines.

Conference: CoBeNe PhD Academy (4 ECTS for presentation only)

This interdisciplinary CoBeNe PhD Academy connects like-minded, enthusiastic early stage researchers, presenting their PhD projects, methods and outcome in the multifaceted field of Psychology, Biology and the Cognitive Humanities in a conference-like format with parallel sessions, break-out groups for discussions, etc. Learning Outcomes: Learning by doing, presenting on your research, engage in discussion, receive feedback and give feedback, profit from an interdisciplinary peer-group. Both PhD candidates and PIs are expected to participate once a year.

Block Event: Into Science (3 ECTS)

Within the first phase of the PhD, CoBeNe students are encouraged to participate in the "Into Science" block event. This seminar aims to prime skills and competencies that are essential for a successful PhD. 
Learning Outcome: to confront with the challenges of being an early stage researcher and reflect and discuss possible coping strategies. Start will be in summer semester 2023.

Block Event: Finalizing your PhD

This seminar offers doctoral students comprehensive support in preparing their dissertation and planning their future career. Participants will learn about the key stages and common challenges of completing a dissertation and develop individualized plans for effective time management and overcoming obstacles. Start will be in winter semester 2024.

 News & Events


If you are interested in sustainable innovations and want to develop ideas to improve living conditions in sustainable cities and communities, join us...


The information sessions are aimed for the candidates who want to start their journey at the University of Vienna and learn more about the conditions...


LISAvienna is happy to collaborate with Roche Pharma in Austria and invites you to participate in the first Roche Open Innovation Day. Roche in...


If you want to know other students as well as leading experts in primate vocal communication you are welcome to apply for the Kyoto-Vienna Autumn...


Summer is gone only temporarily. In the hope of it returning soon, we would like to invite you to a summer edition of our informal get-togethers! As...


The Research Training Group ‘Situated Cognition’ will start its training generation of twelve new PhD students, with the second cohort simultaneously...



Public Defense in the Doctoral Research Field: Psychology

“Think About Food: How People Form Perceptions of the Relationship Between Health and Taste...


Public Defense in the Doctoral Research Field: Psychology

“Reweighting of Binaural Cues: Generalizability and Applications in

Cochlear Implant...


Public Defense in the Doctoral Research Field: Psychology

“Beiträge zur Modellierung latenter Variablen in Multistage Designs”


Public Defense in the Doctoral Research Field: Psychology

“Entscheidungsfindung im onkologischen Kontext. Ein multiperspektivischer Ansatz”


PhD Defense of Mario Gallego-Abenza, 30.09.2022, 17:00

Public Defense in the Doctoral Research Field: Biology.

"Social cognition and fission-fusion dynamics in non-breeder Common ravens (Corvus corax)”


PhD Defense of Magdalena Boch: 30.09.2022, 15:00

Public Defense in the Doctoral Research Field: Psychology.

"How dogs and humans perceive and understand each other: a comparative neuroimaging...
