Group Leaders Psychological Science
- Ulrich Ansorge
- Robert Böhm
- Julia Sophia Crone
- Arnd Florack
- Thomas Götz
- Stefanie Höhl
- Veronika Job
- Laura Maria König
- Christian Korunka
- Claus Lamm
- Helmut Leder
- Brigitte Lueger-Schuster
- Marko Lüftenegger
- Urs Nater
- Ricarda Nater-Mewes
- Jana Nikitin
- Sabine Pahl
- Matthew Pelowski
- Jakob Pietschnig
- Frank Scharnowski
- Barbara Schober
- Giorgia Silani
- Thomas Slunecko
- Ulrich Tran
- Martin Voracek
- Isabella Wagner
- Mathew White
- Martina Zemp
- Elisabeth Zeilinger
Group Leaders Neuroscience
Group Leaders Cognitive Humanities
The Code of Good Practice provides guidelines for good practice that are binding for all doctoral schools at the University of Vienna and needs to be signed by all faculty members and PhD candidates. It contains information about:
- Responsibilities of the director of the VDS CoBeNe
- Responsibilities of the supervisors
- Responsibilities of the doctoral candidates
For joining the VDS CoBeNe as a UniVie group leader/supervisor, pls. sign up here with your commitment to the VDS CoBeNe Quality Assurance Measures and the University Vienna Code of Conduct.