
In need for a Statistics Self-Help Group?

Come by! 24/01/2023 - Meta-Regression, Meta-SEM and Network Meta-Analysis


The Konrad Lorenz Forschungsstelle would be happy to welcome PhD candidates of the VDS CoBeNe as lecturer/presenters! Get in contact until 23.01.23!


This is the annual retreat of the Babelfisch Team of the Institute of Linguistics (Group Prof. Mueller). This year we welcome Dr. Lars Meyer (MPI for...


What do you do to be an effective researcher? Do you have systems, tools and habits in place to ensure that you can be productive and still have a...


Learn to see productivity through a well-being lens. Learn how to structure your day in a way that aids your concentration and focus, rather than...


The aim of the Summer School was to provide CoBeNe PhD students with an opportunity for professional development and social exchange in the field of...